Global conservation initiatives are faced with a dual challenge: conserving natural ecosystems while improving human well-being. Achieving co-benefits for ecosystems, species, and human communities will require robust evidence on what works, when, and how.
The volume of data and research on conservation is a valuable asset to those seeking to pursue evidence-informed practice. Evidence synthesis methods are a “gold standard” for gleaning actionable insights from research in a transparent, comprehensive and unbiased manner. Syntheses are a critical tool for providing reliable and up-to-date information for decision-makers.
The Evidence for Nature and People Data Portal is an open access online knowledge management tool designed to help users explore the existing evidence on linkages between nature and people from published evidence syntheses. This portal allows users to access interactive dashboards that visualize patterns and trends in evidence synthesis datasets and customize to their needs.
We encourage users to read about how this data is generated and how to use the tool in the UNDERSTAND tab above. Users can explore data from different published syntheses in the EXPLORE tab.
More information and how-to guides and videos can be found in the Tool section in the UNDERSTAND tab.
We are constantly developing and improving upon this portal to suit the needs of our users. If you would like to provide feedback, please fill out this form. If you have questions, please reach out to us via the Contact link.
If you are interested in having your evidence synthesis data hosted on this portal, please contact our team: